Gravid woman is one of the wonders of nature,
these nine months are magic for both mom and daddy-to-be.
For photographer as well :)
For me it's very charming and rewarding topic, objective lens just loves the light
sliding on full breasts and belly :)
It's hard to not love these ripe and sexy curves which are so short living and it's real fun to paint them with soft light (or sketch with hard one).
For my photographic sense gravid woman is one of the most interesting subject to study light and shape - if You are actually growing a belly (or Your partner for life does) do not waste Your time to document these moments in many styles and call me :)
I offer true 3D photography - no post-processing software tricks,
just two objective lenses and two independent imaging devices.
Available weekend sessions.
Contact me for details.
CGI - due to time limitations still only for complex scenes,
although simple animations are possible.
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